“I had lost wonder. The wonder of knowing Him. The wonder of being His daughter. The wonder of His Word speaking directly into my own heart and life.”

Judy Dunagan

My Journey:

My story as a wonder seeker began with a prayer one morning on my way to work. For many years I was a women’s ministry leader at our church, keeping busy teaching women’s Bible studies, planning conferences, and encouraging other women to put their hope in Jesus. But in the midst of all that out-of-breath-serving-Him-busyness­, I realized that I missed Him.

I. Missed. Him.

I had lost wonder. The wonder of knowing Him. The wonder of being His daughter. The wonder of His Word speaking directly into my own heart and life.

Confronted with this truth, I prayed a brave prayer. Alone in my car, I cried out aloud: “Jesus, I miss You! I’m so busy serving You, but I’m not sure I really know You. Make me desperate for You!”

Growing up a PK (pastor’s kid), I’ve known ever since I was a little girl that Jesus loves me. I loved the flannel-graph Bible stories in Sunday school that taught me about God’s rescue of His people from fiery furnaces, lion’s dens, and stormy seas.

However, it wasn’t until He reached down and rescued me in the midst of my own stormy seas that I finally became desperate for Him, finally understood the beauty and power of His Word to give me my next breath for each day.

My hope is, as you journey with me through this blog, we can become wonder seekers together. Like the psalmist, David, may this become the cry of our hearts:

“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” —Psalm 42:2 (NIV)

My Work:

I worked for Moody Publishers as an acquisitions editor for our women’s line of books and discipleship resources. Though Moody is based in downtown Chicago, I’m grateful to be working out of my home office in Colorado Springs.


I started this new career in 2014­­­—after 20 years in women’s ministry­­—and I love what I do. My hope is to inspire women to fall more in love with Jesus and the wonder of Him and His Word, and to equip them to make disciples who make disciples.

My Loves:

I’ve been married to my love, Rick, for almost 40 years, and we have two daughters, Christie (married to Brandon) and Kelly (married to Cal). Both of their weddings were just three months apart back in 2014. And they are now parents of the cutest kids you ever did see: Liam, Wim, Quinn, Euan, and baby Jack. We love being a family of eleven! There is nothing like watching my daughters mothering their babies! Talk about wonder!!

So far this is my favorite season in life, and I am overwhelmed by His faithfulness and mercy in our lives. Who are we that He is even mindful of us, let alone cares for us (see Hebrews 2:6)!

For fun, I love going to movies, reading great books, and driving through our Colorado mountains with Rick. But my family will tell you that all three of those things make me fall asleep in a minute. #CantTakeMeAnywhere

By the way, to lighten up this blog, I will occasionally share some short “you can’t take me anywhere” laughable moments (and photos) with you. This is a photo of my daughter Christie’s graduation from medical school in May 2016. Apparently it was really windy that day…only for me!



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