The Walk

This post is for the Five Minute Friday link-up where writers are given a word prompt to write about each week. We can only write for five minutes with no editing. This week the word was future.


Grandpa Dee Dunagan with our Kelly in 1995

My father-in-law is a man’s man. He taught himself how to build custom homes and is known around his Nebraska town as the builder of beautiful homes. He raised four boys into men. My man looks a lot like his dad and also inherited his strong work ethic, dry sense of humor, and love for his family.

The last few months have been hard for Rick’s dad after two different falls breaking a hip both times. Dad is turning eighty-six years old today; the same week my grandson is turning four months old.

This season of life is so poignant, so bittersweet, so beautiful. Our parents are aging into their late eighties while our first grandbaby is just arriving. Strong men using walkers while their great grandson just learned to roll over.

But as I watched my man, holding our first grandson for the first time, and as I watch that baby’s great grandfather navigate a walker for the first time, I can’t help but think of the future that awaits this little one. He’s had a long line of men praying for him before he arrived, and those prayers will continue to impact him long after they are gone.

Rick with our grandson, Liam


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11 Responses

  1. What a paradox, Judy, to see dependency and transition from two different extremes. Thank you for linking up wtih Five Minute Friday! Blessings to your family.

  2. What a touching tribute to three fine gems!!! The rich Dunagan lineage and Christ-following heritage carries on …

  3. Such a wonderful tribute to your father-in-law, Judy! Great generational blessings!! Love this and the pictures. ?

  4. What a gift to give your little grandson. A gift that keeps on giving. “He’s had a long line of men praying for him before he arrived, and those prayers will continue to impact him long after they are gone.”

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