Resolute Protector

Baby William (Wim) was born just two days ago on April 30 at 12:51 a.m. Apparently he was determined to wait until his exact due date to arrive—all 9 lbs. 7 oz. of him—making his mama labor for over 24 hours.

Our daughter and son-in-law, Kelly and Cal are parents for the first time, and now we have our second grandson in our midst.


On his first day I looked up the meaning of his name and discovered—resolute protector

Oh, how that describes the heart of God over Kelly and Wim as mother and son bravely labored together to get him safely here!

I think resolute is my new favorite word. It means admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. Synonyms include resolved, decided, adamant, firm, fixed, single-minded, unswerving, undaunted, set, intent.

All of those words make me think of God’s resolute love and protection over us.

He is determined, unwavering, unswerving in His pursuit of our whole hearts.

His love is purposeful, adamant, firm, and fixed.

His guarding protection over us is resolute . . . undaunted . . . adamant.

Our God is truly our Resolute Protector . . .

. . . Over Wim’s new life.

. . . Over the grieving heart of my beloved friend Sylvette, whose baby girl was stillborn.

. . . Over dear Gail who is battling stage-3 breast cancer and Beth with stage-4 lung cancer.

. . . Over my friend and author Kim as she bravely writes a book for grieving mothers.

And, He was the Resolute Protector over this grandma’s anxious heart as I awaited the safe arrival of my new and glorious grandbaby.

On Wim’s first day of life outside his mother’s womb, a full rainbow arched high above their home at dusk. What a sweet and not-so-subtle reminder of His guarding, resolute protection over all of us.

He tends his flock like a shepherd: 
He gathers the lambs in his arms 
and carries them close to his heart; 
he gently leads those that have young.
Isaiah 40:11

What about you? I’d love to hear how God has been your Resolute Protector. Or if you’re a grandma, feel free to just brag about your grandkids! And yes, I’m including just a few pictures of Wim . . .

William (Wim) Matthew
Papa Rick and our daughter Kelly with baby Wim
Wim’s dad, Cal, taking a nap with his son
Rainbows, newborns and new parents at dusk on Wim’s first day.

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16 Responses

  1. That rainbow is an extraordinary blessing!! I love Resolute Protector. It’s so powerful! What a blessing you are and this new baby Wim is to the world. Such fun days ahead for you!!

  2. Thanks for this beautiful reminder of truth, Judy! Welcoming those precious little ones into the family is such a joy, and resting in God’s resolute love and protection brings comfort. You are going to treasure those pictures and the accompanying memories for a lifetime. Ps 119:171

  3. How precious! This post reminds me to ponder the meaning of the name of my first granddaughter, due to be born in the next few weeks! Thank you.

  4. Like Sarah of the old testement, I was barren and young. Just before my twenty thrid birthday, my life changed, I received the news I needed an operation to save my life. No one knew how to prepare me for the surgery. AFterwards I would never beable to give birth to a child. I felt damaged and incomplete. Praise God my Lord didn’t see me that way, for He had a young teen believe she was carrying my child for me and when the time came to give birth I was there and able to pull my daughter from her birth mother and place this new life against my chest and say, “Mama’s here”. All because of my Resolute Protector, my God is the giver of great gifts of love
    and grace, knowing what we need much better than we know ourselves. My resolute Protector could see my heart and His gift gave me a beautiful daughter and two grandsons. For He watches over us and pours out His love when our hands are open and are heads are bowed.

    1. Donalyn, What an amazing story you have! Thank you for sharing his guarding presence over you and your daughter. And, congratulations on having two grandsons!

  5. Experiencing your own daughter having a baby is hard to put into words… the anxious concern for her safety, her pain, the anticipation, and then the relief and rejoicing over a healthy delivery. Also concern for new dad on the sidelines trying to be comforter and encourager….. emotional time for everyone! But what complete JOY to hold that new grandchild!! It’s everything that grandparents have bragged about for generations. So happy for you and your family! It was interesting to read your research about “William”, what a strong name to guide his life. God was my Resolute Protector when my own birth mother was unable to keep me and had to place me for adoption. God had a family and Christian parents He choose for me to raised in. I am always in awe of His plan for our lives!

    1. Oh, Kathy — I love your beautiful story and your heart. And yes, there is nothing like holding your grandbaby for the first time! Such awe and wonder!

  6. What a beautiful family! You are blessed. I love your devotional about the meaning of your sweet grandson’s name. I also love how you included the connection with friends who are suffering! I am going to meditate on God being my Resolute Protector as I prepare to visit my teenager in rehab, and as I prepare for another visit to MD Anderson Cancer Center. He is good! And He goes before us…

    1. Oh, Andrea, I will be praying for you in your cancer journey and for your teenager. Feel free to send me a private email through this website if you want to share any specific requests. Remember that HE sees you! And, yes, so grateful that He is our Resolute Protector!

  7. Hi Judy. I’m loving reading your blogs and posts, even finding you on audio posts. Love your family and keep you in my prayers. God has been good. Mary

  8. Thank you for your page,
    2nd of May 2020 and I sadly mourn the current loss of my resolute protector, my 17 year old younger brother.
    Knowing that a year ago your baby boy came into the world and was given the same name comforts me. If we met I think we would assume we believed in different gods, but i think they are all the same god, the same good..

    Happy belated Birthday to little William

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