Lamenting Praise

For this Thanksgiving week, I am reposting what I wrote on lamenting praise two years ago. I have many friends who have had sudden loss in their lives and pray that this encourages their hearts and yours this Thanksgiving.

I watched as hundreds of birds flew from behind a sun-tipped cloud. It was as though they had been waiting backstage behind the curtain, and came out to perform. They first seemed to be scrambling to find their places—like tiny ballerinas in the Nutcracker escaping from under the massive skirt.

They quickly fell in line and formed a magnificent ribbon that spanned the sky as far as I could see—with their “stage” lit up by the brilliant orange and purple paint strokes of the sunrise. I threw back my head like a five-year-old watching them dance over me until they were tiny pinpoints in the distant sky.

That early morning scene seemed to shout, “Judy, I see you!” as I began my weekend getaway with God in the Colorado mountains. My life had been hit with storms that included serious health issues for some of my loved ones and broken relationship issues with others. I was reeling, and knew I needed to seek His face like never before.

My original plan was to get some answers about suffering as I sought His voice and heart through the Scriptures. I was wrestling with some deep questions and hoped to gain a better understanding about the “why” behind the pain.

But God had different plans that weekend.

While dwelling in the songs of lament that David wrote, I noticed that he often turned to praise, even in the midst of his anguish and suffering.

This sacrifice of praise is beautifully displayed in Psalm 13:1–2, 5–6 where David first cries out with heart-wrenching “How long, Lord?” questions, and then ends in worship and praise:

“How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?

But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.”

Through that psalm, God whispered to my heart, “Judy, can you thank Me even in the midst of your deep sorrow right now? Can you praise My Name even when you don’t understand My ways?

I remember first being taken aback, almost incredulous that He would ask such a thing while I was suffering. But I sensed that I needed to be obedient and follow His leading.

My weeping and wrestling prayers turned to a sacrifice of praise in my journal that weekend. As I wrote a list of praise and thanksgiving to God, I found that my tears shifted from sorrow to adoration of Him.

I was overwhelmed by His mercy and goodness like never before.

I didn’t get answers to my questions that weekend, or even comfort that the trials would soon be over. But I came away with a deep understanding of the power of praise in the midst of suffering.

I’m not sure my prayer life has ever been the same. Oh, I still pour out my heart to Him with laments and requests, like we’re encouraged to do in Psalm 62:8. But most of the pages in my prayer journals now begin with the words “A Sacrifice of Praise” written at the top. It’s how I turn my heart and mind toward Him and enter into His presence with praise and thanksgiving.

What about you?

What is your favorite way to offer praise and thanksgiving to Him even in the midst of the storms of this life? I hope you’ll share in the comments or feel free to share a prayer request with me.

With Thanksgiving,


Can you thank me in the midst of your deep sorrow? Quote by Judy Dunagan for

This post was originally written for Katie M. Reid’s blog on Lamenting Praise as part of her Listen Close, Listen Well Series. A gifted author and Bible teacher, please visit Katie’s website and be encouraged!

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8 Responses

  1. I am so blessed to read your latest post – it caused me reflect upon my own offerings of praise and sacrifice in the midst of rough storms or constant drizzles within my walk. There has always been a burst of peace once I recognize the power of “and yet, I will praise Him.” Sometimes this power of peace has taken my breath away – this miraculous deep sigh of peace raining down and letting God take the place of the storm or drizzle. It’s beautiful and thank you for the sweet reminder.

  2. Judy
    Thank you for this repost. I have been struggling with God over some personal issues that keep rearing their ugly head . This is a good reminder to praise Him through the storm .

  3. oh this is so true, Judy! When we shift our hearts from our own circumstances to His glory, the darkness slides away as His light fills our hearts. So powerful! Beautifully written, as well. I could almost see those birds myself! Blessings to you and yours!

  4. My favorite way? Right now it’s through song. I sing praise even when it’s excruciating to do so. I’ve been hearing this same message over my heart on repeat this week. I need to sit down and write it all out, all my thanksgivings and praises.

    I love this post, Ms. Judy. Timely. Happy to share it!

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