
I just discovered the beautiful song “North” by the group Sleeping at Last. It’s the kind of song that makes me want to get away in our mountains with my journal and write while the song plays quietly over me. Or, it reminds me of the songs that close epic films that truly move your heart to tears and you don’t want to leave the theatre until the song ends.

It’s about Home. 

The song begins with these lyrics . . . 

We will call this place our home
The dirt in which our roots may grow
Though the storms will push and pull
We will call this place our home

We’ll tell our stories on these walls
Every year, measure how tall
And just like a work of art
We’ll tell our stories on these walls 

Maybe it’s because we moved about every two or three years while our girls were growing up, or maybe it’s because we now have an empty nest that this song brings the tears. But mostly, they are grateful tears for this season—and Home—with my Rick. 

Home has changed a lot for us in the last four years. Both of our darling daughters married just three months apart in 2014, then they moved hundreds of miles from our Colorado home. Our nest didn’t empty gradually; it was more like a whirlwind swept it out. But we’ve never seen our girls happier as they pursue their new lives, and Home with their dear husbands. It’s what we hoped and prayed for them when they were little girls.

And now . . . this Home is growing into our favorite season of our marriage. There were times in our thirty-four years together that we wondered if we’d make it this far, so it’s even more sacred to call this place . . . Home.


How about you, what makes you feel like you are truly . . . Home? I’d love to hear from you so please leave a comment!


(According to sleepingatlast.com,North” is the first track of Land, inspired by singer/songwriter Ryan O’Neal and his wife moving into their very first home: “My wife and I recently bought our first house. In the first few days of moving in, I took a break from carrying boxes and wrote this song. It felt only fitting to write a song about our new home, as the first song I’ve written inside it.”)

Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash



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25 Responses

  1. I love this post so much sweet friend . I loved contemplating what brings a sense of home to me . I have moved almost every two years since college… sometimes countries away and then the last two moves have literally been one driveway away .

    As a single, I think the way I find home best is filling my dinner table with friends and family —the more the merrier .

    I have a small basement apartment that I call home and have crammed many a dinner party over my makeshift dining room table , which is actually a card table .

    These stories plus my quiet times with Jesus and coffee in my oversized chair make it home

    1. Jenn, I so love what you’ve shared, and I wish we lived closer so I could come to one of your “crammed” dinner parties with your family and friends. I am sure you bring a sense of home to all those around your table! Love your heart so much!

  2. Judy, your story warms my heart. Our empty nest seems to have a door that’s always swinging. After my dad died, my mom moved in with us- 4 years ago and going strong… ha. And not long ago, our son moved back home until he gets back on his feet. I do love our home. And the more that visit, the merrier. Home is a place where we need to feel loved and also a place where we feel safe – safe to be ourselves. And I always try to let Jesus reign in our home. Home is a beautiful word.

    1. So sweet to find you here, Sheryl! And for sharing your heart for what is Home for you. I wish I could visit you one day in your “door that’s alway swinging” home.

  3. Moving from eastern Europe as a little girl, I didn’t really feel at home here in the states. But I never felt home in the country i moved from. And I’m okay with that. Ultimately heaven is our home so it’s good to feel ‘out of place’ sometimes. My husband and I moved from ca back to nc where i basically grew up. It’s as close to home as anything. And it feels most like home when its is full of peace and joy

    1. Inna,Thank you for sharing your story. Where did you live in eastern Europe? And, yes, I agree that feeling out of place happens when we know Heaven is ultimately our home.

  4. JUdy, I love this post! When I think of home, I don’t think of a place per se, but the people who surround me and make me feel I’m Home. When mom was still alive and we had to sell her house to move her to assisted living in Louisiana, then later to Memphis, then to a nursing home, she used to say, “But, you can’t come home anymore since my house is no longer mine.” We always replied, “Home isn’t a place; it’s wherever mom is – even if it’s a nursing home.” Thank you for this sweet post!

  5. Wonderful article Judy! Your words remind me of my own Bible study on the word, home. If you read the Bible verses that contain the word, home, one right after another, the same ideas you’ve mentioned emerge. Home is a place of revolving doors which is natural and God-planned. Home is like the Sea of Galilee, not the Dead Sea. The surge out blesses others, and the freedom to go in and out mirrors the liberty that God gives us to serve Him.

  6. Judy, I love your blog post! Again!

    As a child “Home” was sitting on our dock at our summer cottage enveloped by the breezes off the lake.
    In the busy years of raising our 5 boys, “home” was a big teak dinner table where the seven of us gathered for dinner each night. Many tender, sweet, hard, and hilarious stories were passed right along with grandma’s casseroles.
    Now in our empty nest years, “home” is where my man is. These years, albeit a whole lot quieter, a new sweetness is where ever we find ourselves together! ❤️

  7. Currently, home is the place where the noise is. Everywhere else I go, sans a concert, seems quiet compared to home. Even recently at the She Speaks Conference, I found myself missing home. Why? A family was in the elevator, and two of the sisters were bickering. I missed my kids, my home. I can’t fathom that in a matter of a few short years the sounds of my home will begin to grow quieter.

  8. Such a lovely piece.

    Home for me, in this season of life, is my Matthew. Being with my husband brings me a sense of security, comfort, calm, steadiness. As I write this, I am looking forward to “HOME” feeling rowdy someday with oodles of our sweet babies swinging their legs under the dinner table, and then “HOME” transitioning back again to the adventure with my Matthew when they empty the nest.

    Such a sweet circle.

  9. What a beautiful song and blog post, Judy! The ache for Home and the exquisite joy of refuge and belonging is set so deeply with us. When we moved to Paris, the density and intensity of big-city life was so foreign, so overwhelming and I would listen to Michael Card’s:
    Though you are homeless, though you’re alone
    I will be your home
    Whatever’s the matter, whatever’s been done
    I will be your home
    In this fearful fallen place
    I will be your home
    When we relocated back to the States, this was also the song for a disorienting reentry:
    When time reaches fullness, when I move my hand
    I will bring you home
    Home to your own place in a beautiful land
    I will bring you home
    From this fearful fallen place
    I will bring you home.
    And in all the places we’ve lived, I look back and the chorus of North sings true:
    Let the years we’re here be kind, be kind
    Let our hearts, like doors, open wide, open wide
    Settle our bones like wood over time, over time
    Give us bread, give us salt, give us wine

    1. Oh, Jeannie, How lovely to find you here! I’ve wanted to connect after receiving your sweet card to me after my father’s death. Your kindness in sending that to my home meant the world to me. And, I have a CD I’ve been listening to in French in my car that I so want you to help interpret! : ) Let’s find time soon to share a meal together. Blessings, dear one!

  10. A perfect home here on earth is certainly a blessing! However, an imperfect home is also a blessing, a spiritual blessing for it is there that we seek the LORD and His house, the way we ought to seek; persistent knocking and pleading at the Father’s House until heaven’s door is opened, which is Jesus Christ our Lord. In Christ is the perfect Home; in Christ we shall grow our roots; while in Him, no storm shall pull or push; in Christ shall our faith grow tall and our stories written on the walls of salvation.

  11. This was so timely. We’re officially an empty nesters this week. Thanks for encouraging me in this new season. We celebrate 25 years in February and I’m looking forward to this new part of our journey!
    Also, loved the song. I found a new artist too!
    Home is us. I’m going to remember that when the tears come tomorrow.

    1. Amy Elaine, You’re in my thoughts and prayers. I know it’s so bittersweet as your youngest leaves the nest! Tears are good for this season. And, Happy Anniversary for your 25th coming up.

  12. Home, for me, is the moment I step foot on Texas soil and hear, “Y’all have a nice day now.” Born and raised in Texas, I lived there well into my adult life. Then, my husband was transferred to Connecticut. We love Connecticut. It is a beautiful state and we have a wonderful church family and have made lifetime friends here. However, like the saying goes, “You can take the girl out of Texas, but you can’t take Texas out of the girl.” Texas, my Texas, is home.

    1. Paula, Thanks for stopping by and sharing here! I know so many Texans who feel like you do! Must be something special there for so many to still call it home long after moving away.

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