While They Were Sleeping

It seemed like a simple ask of those closest to Him . . .

“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

Keep watch . . . with me.

Imagine asking the same thing of those closest to you, and they just fall asleep.

While they were sleeping, Jesus was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.

While they were sleeping, His anguish and sorrow was so deep that He sweat drops of blood.

While they were sleeping, He was alone, face pressed to the ground as He cried out to His Father.

While they were sleeping, He went to them three times, hoping to find them keeping watch with Him.

While they were sleeping, an “angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him.”

Did an angel have to be sent because those closest to Him were sleeping on their watch?

Imagine if, instead of finding them sleeping, He found them on their faces, crying out to His Father God . . . for Him.

Imagine if, instead of sleeping, they stayed close to Him, wiping the blood from His brow, hearing Him pray,
“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.”

Imagine if they prayed over Him like the band of brothers He needed that night.

Instead, the third time Jesus returned to them, He said,

“Are you still sleeping and resting?
Look, the hour is near, and the Son of Man
is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
Rise, let us go! Here comes my betrayer!”

While He was still talking . . . Judas arrived with a crowd and a kiss.   

(Matthew 26:36–48)

Let this beautiful song wash over you as you remember what He went through for us: Garden by Needtobreathe

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12 Responses

  1. To me it makes it that much sweeter when He says, “I am with you- always…” He knows the deepest depths of loneliness in suffering, but offers His presence and companionship even there. Who is like our God?

  2. OH Dear Lord, how many times have you asked me to do something I was “asleep”, Unaware of what was happening around me and missing the opportunity to intercede for your beloved? Mercy. Thanks, Judy for your thoughts during this season of lent.

  3. This scene lifts my chin because: Grief is a lonely road that only the Father can travel with us. Even our best friends are not capable of enduring beside us – even if they wanted to “stay awake.” Even Jesus had to be alone when he cried out to the Father. It makes me feel understood and still loved when I am filled with sorrow. ~Kim

    1. I remember, Kim, how you shared that this scene in the Garden, when He was crying out to take the cup from Him, that it comforted your mama’s heart after Austin passed away. I’ll never forget your story about that.

  4. How wonderful to know that as I fall so short – He is always faithful, always there, interceding for me (us) and for those we love and care for – taking my imperfect attempts and string of prayerful words – and putting them in perfect order according to His will before the Father. If only I were always that faithful of a friend. Indeed!

  5. This is beautiful! And very thought provoking! I will try to do better at staying awake! And I’m so grateful to Him who forgives over and over!!

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