One Year

Photo by Nico Frey on Unsplash

I WONDER . . .

Is there a celebration in Heaven on the anniversary of the day you arrive, like we celebrate birthdays here—only much, much better?

One year ago this morning my beloved father entered Glory.

Early this morning I awoke to this text from our daughter Christie . . .

“Love you Mama. Praying for you today as we remember and celebrate the life of our Grandpa Bubeck. Though we miss his presence daily, he gets to celebrate one year today in the throne room enveloped in the presence of his King, best friend, and Creator.”

What a stunning way to look at the one-year anniversary of my father going Home.

In the midst of my sorrow today, I’m choosing to celebrate that he’s had a whole year in the presence of his King Jesus!

My dad would want it that way.

A friend recently shared a quote from Victor Hugo with me that so resonates with my heart today:

When I go down to the grave I can say, like many others, ‘I have finished my day’s work!’ But I cannot say, ‘I have finished my life.’ My day’s work will begin again the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley; it is a thoroughfare! It closes on the twilight, it opens on the dawn!” —Victor Hugo


In loving memory of my father Mark I. Bubeck
February 20, 1928 — November 6, 2017


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11 Responses

  1. This is a lovely tribute to your father and a great reminder – life continues and gets so much better after earth!

  2. Oh what a precious life which lives forever! Be blessed, comforted and encouraged in your memories and high expectations for eternity!

  3. Christie’s words are much like
    her mama‘s. Her mama’s words
    are reflective of a woman who was obviously raised by a beloved
    and godly mom and dad. This mom
    and dad, who now glorify the King
    of Kings in the heavenly realms, are remembered with such honor.
    This is a legacy to behold.
    A rich, rich legacy.

  4. Life on earth is a mingling of sorrow and joy. In Christ is the hope of resurrection! Therefore, rejoice in the Lord always.

  5. I sooo love this tribute! I, too, make the choice to celebrate the life of our loved ones. When I am in the pit of grief, I’ve asked God to give me a glimpse of what my daughter, Savannah, is experiencing. I can not express the feeling of warmth, anticipation, and love that He gives me in that moment. Yes, we grieve. But our grief is seasoned with hope, THE HOPE! Much love to you, Judy. Savannah has been in the throne room two years now (November 4th). Heaven is so, so much sweeter to me now. Each day is not one more day from our loved ones, but one day closer!

    What a blessed reunion we will have!

    1. Dear Stephanie, your love for your daughter and our Lord Jesus is stunning in the midst of this season. And how precious to hear that Heaven is even sweeter and your dear Savannah one day closer. Oh, what a “blessed reunion” that will be!

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