Praying God’s Word

While speaking at a women’s retreat last weekend on prayer, I was struck yet again that I do a lot of teaching on prayer and not enough actual praying!

Perhaps you can relate?

The leaders of the retreat asked me to share a photo of my grandkids on Saturday morning before I began my teaching on the Wonder of Prayer. I thought it was going to just be a fun opening to my message, but while reviewing my notes earlier that morning, I realized that request was more for me . . . to help turn my heart to my grandbabies and pray over them yet again.

As I gathered some of my favorite photos of our three grands to share in my talk, I prayed for each one:  Liam who is 2 ½, all boy, and looks just like his PapaRick, Wim who is five months old with dimples and sky blue eyes like his daddy, and beautiful Quinn Roselan, just seven weeks old and already showing us she has a tender heart. 

Gazing at their darling baby faces (see below), I realized yet again that the greatest gift I can ever give them is to be a prayer warrior grandma over their lives. 

Part of the message I planned to share at the retreat that morning was how to pray Scripture over our loved ones. We were going to dwell in John 17, the High Priestly Prayer of our Lord Jesus over His disciples, just hours before He died for them . . . for me . . . for my grandbabies. As I read through the prayer in John 17 before heading to the auditorium, I prayed this prayer over Liam, Wim, and Quinn:

Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your name. (v. 11b)
May they have the full measure of Your joy. (v. 13b)
Protect them from the evil one. (v. 15)
Sanctify them by the truth, Your Word is truth! (v. 17)

Tucked away in verse 20 we see that the prayer Jesus was praying over His beloved disciples extends to us (and our grandchildren) who would come thousands of years after the disciples . . .

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those
who will believe in me through their word,
that they may all be one,
just as you, Father are in me, and I in you,
that they also may be in us so that
the world may believe that you have sent me.”

May it be so!

Our grandchildren: Liam, baby sister Quinn, and baby Wim

What about you? What verses in the Bible do you like to pray over loved ones? Praying His Word back to Him is a powerful way to worship our God and to pray for those He’s entrusted to our prayer keeping.

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17 Responses

  1. Being a first time Mimi to eight week old Brody, has made me more aware that I need to be a huge prayer warrior! Thank you for the reminder to pray God’s Word over Brody, his mommy and daddy as well as my husband, son and my son’s fiancé. You are a blessing, Judy!

    Proverb 22:6
    Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

  2. So very precious are the prayers for your littlest ones. 💛
    I too always feel I fall short in the prayer department. Study is easy and I can sit for hours, but prayer … not so much.
    At the beginning of the year, as I tucked away my half finished 2018 journal in the cupboard and began a new journal, I asked God to help me fill it this year. To put the highest priority on my time spent with Him in conversation and just listening to His voice.
    You know what? He did just that. I filled it a few weeks ago and had to begin a new one. It contains so many words from adoration to repentance and just simply asking his blessing and provision for others. My favorite prayer for others is Ephesians 3:17-20… immeasurably more.
    As I write this I just realized that part of my obedience in praying for others has expanded my reach. He has brought many women into my life that are struggling. Just this week I met with a woman grieving her father and another whose marriage is falling apart. My words to them are few for I mostly just listen, but my promise to them is great as I bring them to God daily.
    Thank you for writing this Judy. Your words caused me to realized the answer to my own prayers.

    1. Dear Carol, Oh, how I love your heart for Him, His Word and prayer. Thank you for sharing how you’ve had a breakthrough in your prayer life — a message of hope for all of us!

  3. I love this! Thank you for this timely reminder! I especially prayed this morning that my daughters (and whole family) would know the “full measure of joy” promised in the passage! What a great prayer! I noticed that the full measure of joy is HIS joy within us–the joy of Jesus himself within us. I’m still thinking about this! I’m so thankful for you!

  4. There are so many, but I come back to these two a lot.
    Isaiah 40:11 He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young

    Proverbs 3:21 My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you and ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble;
    when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

    For me, It seems like it is easier to DO a Bible study, LOOK in scripture for what God has said, and satisfy a query thru a biblical SEARH then to simply BE.
    Being and Praying demand my full attention and most attentive listening (of my heart) skills. These days and all the info that is at our fingertips (and at a moments notice,) can lend itself to being a stumbling block for me and a consistent, whole hearted, non interrupted prayer life.
    Your blog once again, Judy, is that sweet reminder that I needed!

  5. Judy, thank you for being with us last weekend! Your words have had a lasting impact on us. Thank you for spurring me on to spend more time praying than talking about prayer. I love to pray Phil. 1:9-11 over people and Ephesians 3:14–21. Thanks for always pointing me to Jesus!

  6. I pray often for our seven children, their spouses, and our four grandchildren by using the words from the song by Keith and Kristyn Getty : Changing the “my” or “I” into “them” as a whole or inserting their names. 🙏 “Holy Spirit, living Breath of God,
    Breathe new life into my willing soul.
    Bring the presence of the risen Lord
    To renew my heart and make me whole.
    Cause Your Word to come alive in me;
    Give me faith for what I cannot see;
    Give me passion for Your purity.
    Holy Spirit, breathe new life in me.
    Holy Spirit, come abide within;
    May Your joy be seen in all I do—
    Love enough to cover ev’ry sin
    In each thought and deed and attitude,
    Kindness to the greatest and the least,
    Gentleness that sows the path of peace.
    Turn my striving into works of grace.
    Breath of God, show Christ in all I do.
    Holy Spirit, from creation’s birth,
    Giving life to all that God has made,
    Show Your power once again on earth;
    Cause Your church to hunger for Your ways.
    Let the fragrance of our prayers arise.
    Lead us on the road of sacrifice
    That in unity the face of Christ
    Will be clear for all the world to see.”

  7. I love this! I do pray the WORD but sometimes is all to personal — for me! Thanks for the Spirit’s reminder not just to pray the WORD when we need something or feel like our loved one is astray. But, to pray it in BLESSING always at all times. Thank you!

  8. Because I’m the only Christian in my family, I often pray Acts 26:18, that God would remove what blinds them to truth and bring them to Him. I’ll be honest that it’s very hard to keep praying after 39 years, but I keep praying. God has been patiently waiting for so many more in this world to turn to Him.

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